Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Finally, I Saw It In Person.

Watch the Video

Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC.


Anonymous said...

I lived in Washington DC a few years ago. I was out riding my bike on the Mall on Father's Day and happened to come across the Viet Nam Memorial. There were so many people there looking at the names of their lost fathers. It was truly one of the saddest things I have ever seen. It was hard not to cry with them.

Erie's Argonaut said...

I was expecting a crowd and lots of flowers. It wasn't at all how I pictured it when I got there. But it was an October weekday and raining. I imagine there are still a lot of people on the weekends and holidays. I did look up some of the names in the books provided and found out a little about them. The memorial is truly magnificant the way it reflects and points towards the Washington Monument.