Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thirty Days of Christmas Plus

We may not be unique but in our house there is at least 7 days of birthday, 3 days of anniversary and sometimes more than thirty days of Christmas. The 7 days of Linda starts about 3 days before my birthday and ends about 3 days after. Because it isn't always convenient to go out to dinner on my actual birthday we start ahead. My husband sometimes buys a present that I may need earlier than my birthday and gives it to me ahead so I can have it to wear on my birthday. Then, of course, you still feel like it is your birthday a day or two after and should treat yourself. And so it goes with anniversaries.

Come Christmas, it doesn't seem like 12 days of Christmas is enough. And now with being one of our favorite shopping places there is a need for extra days. This year some of the presents I wanted that are only available to us online are back ordered and I won't get them until the last days of January or the first part of February. That's OK. It makes the season last longer. With our tradition, there is not much time that we aren't celebrating something.

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