Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Butterflies and Bells in the Sky - pics

Below are some more pictures from the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh. Take a weekend and drive to Pittsburgh and see the National Aviary and Phipps Conservatory. They are great places for kids, too. We decided against seeing the Science Museum because we'd need to devote a whole day to just that. Soon will take another drive down there for that. Click on pictures to enlarge.


Unknown said...

the photo second from the bottom I believe is a plant that I just got from potraz.
you asked about classes at the Phipps. yes they do have art classes on botanical drawing and painting.
Some are one day a week for several days and some are workshops for a three day weekend.
There is one coming up I would love to take on painting leaves. Are you interested?

Erie's Argonaut said...

That plant's foliage was so pretty it doesn't need flowers if it does in fact flower. I went to the Phipps website but I only see one painting class for intermdiate with prerequisite of Botanical Drawing 1 and 2. Is that the same one (June 9, 10,11)? I wouldn't qualify for that one. But if something similar comes up locally, I'd like to try one of them.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

what a wonderful trip through your garden!!